Zack Snyder's Justice League: Joe Manganiello Opens Up About Returning to Deathstroke

When Zack Snyder's fans had their wishing of seeing his version of Justice League granted with [...]

When Zack Snyder's fans had their wishing of seeing his version of Justice League granted with news of it coming to HBO Max, several cast members got phone calls to return to a set for some additional photography. Among those who assembled under Snyder's direction was Joe Manganiello, the actor who broke the Internet once upon a time when footage of him exiting the Justice League's ship in test footage was revealed. However, what followed was merely an inclusion of the character in a post-credits scene as plans behind-the-scenes shifted away from the original ideas of Snyder. Now, Manganiello is back in action in a Deathstroke role which the capacity has yet be revealed for but he opened up about the return while talking to about his upcoming Archenemy movie.

"The picture that I posted was of me with a mohawk in costume," Manganiello said, referencing the photo he recently shared on Instagram when he got back into Slade Wilson on the set of Zack Snyder's Justice League. "I was happy to get that call from Zack."

Following several disappointments surrounding Manganiello's originally planned tenure as Deathstroke, the actor had stopped having any hopes of fulfilling the role further than Justice League's post-credits scene. "There've been so much disappointment over the past four years," Manganiello said. "There were probably seven different Deathstroke projects that were all canceled. So, when you keep getting that phone call over and over again, you have to let it go for your own sanity. So, getting that call from Zack to put the suit back on, it was fun. It was weird, because it's four years later. Four years later. But I had had a lot of thoughts after all those false starts about the character and what I wanted to do with the character. So, when Zack called me up, I got to really put my stink on him in a few different ways that were very satisfying." Read our full Archenemy interview with Manganiello here.

Manganiello adds that this new Deathstroke is a "nasty, nasty dude," when asked how his new and original Archenemy character Max Fist would fare in a crossover feud against th DC Comics charactere. "Max would definitely need his powers, man, because Deathstroke is a nasty, nasty dude, and especially the new version," he says. "He's new and improved."

Are you excited to see Manganiello back in action as Deathstroke? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram! Zack Snyder's Justice League will be available on HBO Max in early 2021.

Archenemy is available in theaters, Digital, and Video on Demand on December 11.