Beyond The Camera: What The Heck Is Up With Toad's Mushroom Head?!

If you're familiar with us, you'll know that we are huge fans of the Boundary Break series on [...]


If you're familiar with us, you'll know that we are huge fans of the Boundary Break series on YouTube. This YouTuber goes beyond what the camera shows in popular games to see what developers don't want you to see. We've delved into the world of Resident Evil, Half-Life, Fallout - now it's time to settle the debate of what the hell that mushroom is on Toad's head. Is it a hat, like the cartoon suggests, or is it his head?! We need answers!

Luckily content creator Shesez feels our pain so he decided to use his handy dandy software to figure out the answer to this mystery once and for all. He goes into several different Mario titles and gives the answer most would expect. But hey, evidence is good in case someone out there on the internet is wrong. Though in this case, both sides could very well be right. Take a look at his findings in the video below:

The mystery continues, it seems. Maybe Nintendo will finally give us the answers we seek like they did when they killed our dreams by letting fans know that Mario isn't actually a plumber. Nintendo - the King of Lies.

"YouTuber Shesez has recently started a new series called Boundary Break, where he takes us above and beyond the set boundaries of video games. With his help we can see those areas of games that were never meant to be more than scenery or decoration." To check out more of his awesome videos, and dig deep into the mysteries of the universe, feel free to check out his YouTube channel here!