Pokemon Go Announces Buddy Up Event

Pokemon Go is giving players incentives to spend more time with their Buddy Pokemon soon during a [...]

Pokemon Go is giving players incentives to spend more time with their Buddy Pokemon soon during a new Buddy Up event that offers better chances at getting certain Pokemon and better bonuses for their Buddies. Scheduled to begin on April 21st, the event will run until April 27th to give players around a week to take part in the Buddy festivities on top of the other changes in place that allow players to have an easier time playing from home. For those who don't have either Volbeat or Illumise in their Pokemon collections, you'll want to make sure you're playing during the event to catch them and round out your Pokedex before the event comes to a close.

Whether you're wanting to work with your Buddy Pokemon or just want to catch some new ones, the event's one worth tuning into while it's live. Volbeat and Illumise are regional exclusives that'll be available everywhere for a short time, so those will be one of the main draws to the event aside from the Buddy Bonuses.

"Volbeat and Illumise, the Firefly Pokémon, will be joining the fun and will be available in all regions during this event," Niantic said about the Pokemon Go event. "If you're lucky, you may encounter a Shiny Volbeat or a Shiny Illumise!"

Aside from those two Pokemon appearing, you'll also find several other creatures showing up more often than they usually would. That feature and more can be found in the highlights for the event found below.


  • Volbeat and Illumise, normally found only in specific regions, will be appearing everywhere in the wild, in Eggs, and as reward encounters from Field Research tasks! If you're lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Volbeat or a Shiny Illumise!
  • For the first time, you'll be able to encounter Woobat in the wild and after completing certain Field Research tasks. Woobat will be available in the wild and in 2 km Eggs after Buddy Up is over.
  • The following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild: Alolan Meowth, Chansey, Eevee, Feebas, Lillipup, and Joltik.
  • The following Pokémon will be hatching from 5 km Eggs and at a higher rate: Alolan Meowth, Eevee, Feebas, Lillipup, and Joltik.
  • Enjoy event-exclusive Field Research tasks that reward Stardust and encounters with Alolan Meowth, Volbeat, Illumise, and Woobat.


  • Buddy Pokémon will be bringing you more surprises more often! Look out for more items and Souvenirs. Your buddy might even bring you a new kind of gift!
  • The distance to earn Buddy Candy and hearts with your buddy will be halved.
  • It'll be easier for your buddy to get excited!
  • Feed your buddy Berries and Poffins, and it'll join you on the map for twice as long.
  • Earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon, your buddy or otherwise!

Pokemon Go's Buddy Day event starts on April 21st.