Bloodborne Remaster Rumored to Be Revealed at Upcoming PlayStation Event

A new rumor has emerged indicating that PlayStation may announce a new remastered iteration of the [...]

A new rumor has emerged indicating that PlayStation may announce a new remastered iteration of the beloved PS4 action game Bloodborne at a future event. Although this isn't the first time that we have heard rumors of this sort, the fact that they've started to emerge once again is getting fans hopeful, especially since the PlayStation 4 version of the game still has yet to be upgraded for PS5.

The rumor of this new remaster of Bloodborne stems from Tim Rogers, who is a content creator and former game developer. In recent weeks, Rogers said on social media that Bloodborne would receive a new PS5 version at some point in the future. Although it wasn't clear if Rogers had actual sources to back up this claim, some fans assumed that he could have some insider information given his history in the gaming industry.

In recent days, Rogers has gone on to double down on this notion and has suggested that a Bloodborne remaster might be revealed at a future PlayStation event. He has also gone on to say, however, that he was "just guessing" about whether such a remaster might be coming about. Still, this didn't dissuade many to question him about this situation thinking he might be privy to something that others are not. It's also worth noting that Rogers also encouraged all of his followers to not play Bloodborne if they have never done so before because he feels like a 60fps remaster of the game "is imminently due".

As mentioned previously, fans have specifically been clamoring for an upgraded version of Bloodborne in any capacity for quite some time. Even though many PS4 games have slowly been getting improved on PS5, thanks to how Bloodborne was created, the title is permanently locked at 30fps. As such, hope for an all-new remaster, or at the very least a PS5 upgrade, is something that continues to be talked about quite a bit amongst PlayStation fans.

Whether or not a Bloodborne remaster ends up coming about remains to be seen, but considering how many rumors we have heard about this over the past year, it definitely seems to be possible. If such an announcement does come to fruition, we'll be sure to let you know.

Would you like to see Bloodborne finally get remastered for PlayStation 5? Let me know what you think either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.