New 'Days Gone' Trailer Shows Off a Dangerous World

Sony’s latest video for the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Days Gone gives players a look at [...]

Sony's latest video for the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Days Gone gives players a look at the hazardous landscape the world's become. It's one where zombie-like creatures called Freakers roam, scattered bandits and cults fight for control, and even the animals, infected or not, are something to be careful of. It's a world, according to Bend Studio's creative director John Garvin, that wants to kill you.

Garvin spoke about the world of Days Gone in Sony's video above that shows how impressive the setting is but also how deadly its inhabitants are. We've seen some of the enemies of Days Gone in the past, many of which consist of various types of Freakers, and they're all throughout this video. Swarmers, Breakers, and other types of enemies are constantly circling players and threatening to be their undoing.

"It's a world that is dangerous everywhere you go," Garvin said about Days Gone's setting. "We set Days Gone in that world because we hadn't seen it a lot in video games, and it brought something to the experience that we really, really needed."

He continued to say that while there are the obvious threats of enemies like the Freakers who litter the world, even the weather is out to get you in Days Gone.

"The danger comes from not just the Freakers but it comes from Marauders who want to snipe you off your bike. It comes from the weather that will make it impossible for you to stay on a muddy trail. The world changes after dark. More Freakers come out. It's brutal and it's harsh."

Thankfully, players aren't being tossed into this world without a means to defend themselves. Later in the video, Garvin speaks about the tools players have at their disposal when facing these threats. We see a combat wheel around two minutes and 45 seconds in that shows what looks like a shotgun as well as a spiked melee weapon and a handgun. Other options like a Molotov cocktail are there to take out hordes of the zombie-like enemies.

Days Gone is scheduled to release for the PlayStation 4 on April 26th.


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