
Dead by Daylight Reveals Alice in Wonderland Collection


A new collection has been added to Dead by Daylight, this time based on Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland franchise. Players can look forward to new outfits for The Artist (Jabberwock), The Huntress (Red Queen), Nea Karlsson (Cheshire Cat), Kate Denson (Alice), and Ace Visconti (Mad Hatter). While Alice in Wonderland has always had horror-inspired elements, the outfits in Dead by Daylight dial them up quite a bit. The designs for The Artist and The Huntress in particular are quite creepy, and could become quick fan favorites. The collection was initially planned as part of the Modern Tales collection, but quickly expanded into its own thing.

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A trailer showcasing all five of these designs can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

In a blog post on the game’s official website, Dead by Daylight live operations specialist Kirby Taylor discussed the origins of the collection.

“Since the introduction of the Modern Tales collection last year,we’ve been throwing around ideas of how to expand on it and explore thedarker side of well-known stories. When Alice in Wonderland wassuggested, we knew right away it was a path we wanted to explore. Ourplans became curiouser and curiouser, quickly reaching 5 outfits,exceeding the size of the Collection we initially set out to expand,” writes Kirby. “At this point, we realized the Alice in Wonderland collection hadgrown into its own separate thing from Modern Tales, and we finally getto share it with you! I want to thank the team for willingly headingdown the rabbit hole on this one. I guess we’re all a little mad here.”

The Frumious Jabberwock outfit is considered an Ultra Rare skin, while the other four fall under the Very Rare category. It’s pretty fitting that the Jabberwock skin is the rarest, because it already seems to be the most popular! Reception to the collection in general seems pretty positive, though, and fans can find it in the game starting today.

How do you feel about this Dead by Daylight collection? Which of these designs is your favorite? Let us know in thecomments or sharedirectly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!