Epic Games Responds to 'Fortnite' Backlash Regarding New Ice Legion Zombies

When the mysterious ice sphere in the sky broke in Fortnite, it kick started a new event for the [...]

When the mysterious ice sphere in the sky broke in Fortnite, it kick started a new event for the popular battle royale game bringing with it a huge ice storm and hordes of zombies to fight off. Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan of the Ice Legion and that displeasure quickly escalated.

"We've just released a hotfix to make some adjustments to the spawn rate of the Ice Legion," said Epic Games in a recent update over on Reddit. "Previous to this hotfix, spawn rates started low and gradually increased as the match progressed. We've now flipped these rates so that more Ice Legion spawn earlier in the game and gradually spawn less as the match progresses."

They also mentioned that they've heard the complaints about the Golden Brute difficulty as well, something that the studio has rectified immediately to bring them to a "more forgiving level."

As the Ice Storm challenges continue, the team is still looking at all of the feedback provided to make the latest event even more enjoyable for players. As for the most immediate changes, here is what's different with the Ice Storm event going on now:

  • Increased the spawn rate of all Ice Legion in the early game.

  • This spawn rate gradually decreases as the game progresses.

  • Increased Circle 1 Ice Legion spawns by 100%

  • Increased Circle 2 Ice Legion spawns by 20%

  • Reduced the spawn rate of all Ice Legion towards the end game.

  • Decreased Circle 3 Ice Legion spawns by 80%

  • Decreased Circle 4 Ice Legion spawns by 80%

  • Decreased Circle 5 Ice Legion spawns by 80%

  • Increased the spawn rate of Golden Brutes by 100%

  • This will compound on top of the the spawn rate changes mentioned above.

Hopefully with the spawn rate changes and adjustments made to the Golden Brutes Fortnite players will have a more enjoyable time with the online title as Epic Games continues to pump out exciting content for their fans.

Fortnite is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and select mobile devices.

Thoughts on the latest event now that it's live? Did you have any similar complaints as mentioned above, or did you like it as it was when it first launched? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!