'Fortnite' Update Fixes Major X-4 Stormwing Plane Glitch

Just like any online game, Fortnite has its fair share of bugs and glitches. Some are hilarious, [...]

Just like any online game, Fortnite has its fair share of bugs and glitches. Some are hilarious, others can be game-breaking, and some - like the X-4 Stormwing bug that preventing players from being able to redeploy following ejection - are downright infuriating. Luckily for players that were haunted by this issue, the team over at Epic Games has officially patched it out.

The glitch originally occurred when players jumped out of the latest vehicle to land in the battle royale game. Instead of being able to redeploy their gliders, as per usual, the glitch is instead making Victory Royale hopefuls virtually just fall desperately to their deaths instead. Obviously if you're dead you can't win, so this one definitely qualifies as one of those "game-breaking bugs' we were talking about.

Luckily, it's not resolved alongside a few other key bug fixes, which can be found below:

  • Fixed instances of glider redeploy not deploying when exiting a Stormwing.
  • Fixed grenade throw animations not playing the follow-through when watching other players throw a grenade.
  • Fixed the preview length on many emotes in the lobby to hear the full music track.
  • Completing the "Play a match with a friend" Daily Challenge now correctly counts towards other quests that require completing daily challenges.
  • Fixed players not being able to destroy the Boombox from certain distances.
  • Fixed some issues with ziplines
    • Players will no longer be flung across the map or get in broken animation states.
    • A cooldown has been added to ensure jump spamming will not allow players with mild network issues to fall through the zipline collision.
    • The zipline magnet will no longer remain over players heads.
    • Players no longer fall when colliding with enemy structures.
    • Players no longer dismount ziplines at steep angles when under bad network conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes take 2 instances of impact damage from getting hit by the X-4 Stormwing.
  • Damage numbers when shooting Mounted Turrets now properly displays as vehicle damage instead of player damage.
  • Players who are emoting on the starter island will no longer continue emoting after jumping from the Battle Bus.
  • Gliders and Umbrellas will no longer appear sideways or misaligned when dropping from the Battle Bus.

ortnite is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and select mobile players. The latest update is also now live, offering a new scoped revolver, glider re-deployment, and some pretty cool datamined cosmetic items on the horizon.

You can contact the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!
