Hilarious New Video Shows Why Halo's Master Chief Will Never Be Called "Master Chef"

MCPON John-117, or 'Master Chief,' from the Halo franchise has many talents to his name. Among [...]


MCPON John-117, or "Master Chief," from the Halo franchise has many talents to his name. Among those that are not included in that list of talents are swimming and those sweet, sweet kitchen skills. In a hilarious new video from Impact Props, Master Chief tries his best to become Master Chef and it works out about as well as you'd expect.

"Chief is ready for Christmas, but sadly it is only Thanksgiving. Therefore an Expert Chef teaches Chief how to make the World's Best PUM_KIN PIE!!!"

If you ever need somebody to break eggs on his face for you, Master Chief is your guy. The "Experteer" and his trusty super soldier completely destroy the kitchen in their efforts to create a classic fall dish: the beloved pumpkin pie. And yeah, they went a little basic with it but it's all in the name of comedy!

For those unfamiliar with Impact Props:

"Impact Props LLC focuses on bringing neat things from video games and movies to life. Whether it's jumping out of an airplane or snowboarding down a mountain, we love to have fun with the things we make. We've worked on projects ranging from Halo armor and weapons to Skyrim masks and life casts. In the end we're just a couple of simple makers, trying to make our way in the universe."

From epic cosplay tutorials, hilarious videos, and a neat shop to peruse - Impact Props is a pretty rad community, even if they can't make a pumpkin pie to save their life. Destiny, Halo, and more all have their own little niche over with the awesome team. To check out more of what they have to offer, including even more videos, you can check out their main site right here.