Horizon Forbidden West Leaks Appear Online a Month Before Release

If you're someone who doesn't want to have Horizon Forbidden West spoiled for you, you might want to start taking precautions on the internet in the coming weeks. Within the past day, a new build of Horizon Forbidden West, which is the sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn, happened to leak online. While the game in full wasn't let loose into the hands of customers, numerous images and other snippets of gameplay have now been unveiled in advance. 

These pieces of gameplay in question from Horizon Forbidden West happened to begin circling on social media over the course of the past day. For the most part, the version of the game that leaked was said to be feature-complete outside of a few lingering pieces of art not being included. Not long after these leaks began to circulate online, Sony quickly moved to take them down due to copyright infringement. As such, this clearly seems to tell us that what leaked was very much legitimate. 

As mentioned, the main reason this is a big deal is because it means that spoilers for Horizon Forbidden West could begin circulating online far in advance of the game's actual launch. This is something that we have seen happen to multiple video games in the past, so this situation as a whole isn't necessarily unique. That being said, you should definitely start to turn on your mute filters for social media if you don't want to hear anything further about Horizon Forbidden West before it drops. 

If you didn't already have the date circled on your calendar, Horizon Forbidden West is poised to launch next month on February 18. While the game will perhaps most notably be available on PlayStation 5, it will also be coming to PlayStation 4 consoles as well. 

Are you planning to pick up Horizon Forbidden West for yourself when it drops next month? And do you think it will end up being the best PlayStation game of the year? Let me know either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.