John Cena As Duke Nukem? This Artist’s Poster Gives Us an Idea How He’d Look

In case you missed the bombshell that shook up both the film and video game realms, John Cena has [...]

Duke Nukem

In case you missed the bombshell that shook up both the film and video game realms, John Cena has officially been confirmed as the title character for the upcoming Duke Nukem film. Responses across the Internet have been mixed, between fans thrilled to see what he can do, and others that have made countless "he's in this, we can't see him" jokes, or something along those lines.

But the real question is just how effective Cena would be in the role. We can only imagine which direction he and the production team would take Nukem, but that didn't stop an Instagram artist by the name of Bosslogic from providing his own take.

If you take a look on his Instagram page, you'll see plenty of inspiring images, including a couple of takes on Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War that are quite good. But it's his poster of John Cena as Duke Nukem below that's really interesting.

Hearing @JohnCena is confirmed for #DukeNukem

A post shared by Bosslogic (@bosslogic) on

As you can see, the poster shows Cena with sunglasses and a crop top haircut, along with an outfit similar to Duke's, and a huge explosion happening in the background – a familiar sight we've seen across countless pieces of cover art for the character's games.

The mock poster has already gotten some good responses from the Instagram community, including user dickywib noting, "Bringing back such good ol' days playing it in PS1," and user callmeharry96 joking, "I don't see anything." For the most part, responses are positive, though there are some, like user elitehdx, saying, "No thanks," followed by a terd emoji.

We're sure to see other mock-ups over the next few days that provide interesting takes on what Cena could look like as the character, but hopefully, after Wrestlemania blows over, he can try to create a look himself and give us an idea of how he'll be portrayed. You know, if we can actually see him.

The Duke Nukem film doesn't have a release date yet, but isn't likely to arrive before 2019. We'll let you know when it rolls into pre-production.