
League of Legends Champion And Skin Sale March 2nd – 5th

Another week has come and gone in League of Legends, another champion and skin sale arises. Once […]

Another week has come and gone in League of Legends, another champion and skin sale arises. Once more players can buy the skins and champions they’ve been lusting after for 50% off, making those beloved Riot Points stretch a little bit longer for a more rewarding play experience. This week’s sale is a delicious food-fest with the Barbecue Leona skin, as well as a few badass champions for half the dough (er, Riot Points). Now’s your chance try out Illaoi’s Kraken charms for 50% off, it’s hard to beat.

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Just like previous weeks, there are four champions and four skins total. Each unit will be 50% beginning March 2nd and ending on March 5th. Why buy one champion when you can get two for the same Riot Points price? Let’s start with the skins.

League of Legends Champion Skin Sale: Battlecast Xerath, Barbecue Leona, Steel Legion Lux, and Subterranean Nautilus:

There are also four champions available at the 50% off rate, as well:

  • Illaoi – 487 RP
  • Talon – 440 RP
  • Gragas – 395 RP
  • Thresh – 487 RP

So whether or not players want to check out what “The Rabble Rouser” has to offer with the ferocious Gragas champion, or looking to harness their inner badass with one of the discounted skins – the weekly sales offer a chance for those that compete to customise their play experience a little more for a more affordable price. Remember: this week’s sale only runs from March 2nd through March 5th, so if any of these have caught your fancy – don’t be shy about scooping them up for 50% off.

In other League of Legends news, did you see the latest about Jhin’s buff? “The buffs that are being tested for Jhin were shared by Riot Games’ August “Riot August” Browning, the champion designer responsible for creating Jhin. The buffs would target both the damage that’s gained through Whisper (passive) and the damage of Dancing Grenade (Q) while also allowing him to root enemies with Deadly Flourish (W) after they’ve taken any form of damage from Jhin.” You can read all about it in our previous coverage here.

To stay in the know about all things Riot Games, don’t forget to check out our League of Legends hub just for you.