League of Legends Teasers Potentially Point to a New Miss Fortune Skin

Another League of Legends teaser has been revealed that provides more evidence that Miss Fortune [...]

Another League of Legends teaser has been revealed that provides more evidence that Miss Fortune is getting a skin soon.

The newest hint that the marksman will be getting a new cosmetic comes from an image that was posted to both the League of Legends Instagram account as well as various Facebook pages. An image of a champion with two guns and fiery red hair – both traits that point towards Miss Fortune – was posted on these accounts with the champion facing a wall that appears to be full of crossed-out "wanted" posters. The champ is outfitted in what appears to be a futuristic suit alongside the Instagram caption that says "All she needs to tear down their universe: The right guns. 3.22.2018 #leagueoflegends #GGMF."

League of Legends' Brasil account on Facebook shared the same image with a slightly different caption, one that translates to a similar message saying "She only needs one thing to destroy their universe: the right weapons." The same date of March 22 was provided once again, a date that could indicate when the skin will be released.

This latest image is far from the first teaser that's been released. Several days ago, another teaser was seen through the Skin Spotlights YouTube account that referenced the new champion by name in a file titled KAISA_EXOSUIT_LOADER.log. The top of the "file" spelled out "FORTUNE," and once the video began making the rounds on the League boards and Reddit, players began picking it apart for clues. Players noticed several clues within the video that reference phrases like "ADC," "MF," and other traits such as her red hair.

Now that this newest teaser has been revealed, players seem fairly certain which champion will be getting the next skin. Players are already confidently calling it that Miss Fortune will be the recipient of the skin, though neither the name of the skin nor the champion that'll receive it has been confirmed by Riot Games just yet. There's also the question of what tier the skin will be, though the idea that it'll be a Legendary skin seems to be popular speculation among players.

Keep an eye on the League of Legends social media accounts for more information on the teasers leading up to the reveal of whatever this new skin may be.