League of Legends Buffs Previewed for Tryndamere, Master Yi

Two close-ranged League of Legends champions, Tryndamere and Master Yi, are receiving changes in [...]

Two close-ranged League of Legends champions, Tryndamere and Master Yi, are receiving changes in an upcoming patch that should help put the two swordsmen in a better spot.

While both of the champions can still perform their role as low-elo stompers or can carry a game through sheer brute force if they get fed enough, they still struggle in the current meta. The incoming buffs to the champions were first announced through a recent post from Riot Games that detailed buffs and nerfs that are planned for the next smaller patch, and as such, these buffs won't be too drastic in nature.

Riot Ricklessabandon took to Twitter to discuss the two champions and the scope of the buffs that are planned for Patch 8.3.

Expanding on what all they intend to do to Master Yi and Tryndamere, the Rioter explained that Tryndamere's buffs will likely be stat-based while Master Yi's will be slightly more involved with some mechanical changes being implemented.

Outside of these two champions' changes, another champ that's in line for much-needed buffs in Patch 8.3 is Volibear. The bear champion has been in a bad spot for a while now even when compared to Tryndamere and Master Yi, and changes for the top laner/jungler have been discussed for some time now and appear to be finally coming to a patch in the future. What these changes involve hasn't been revealed yet, and with the buffs scheduled for 8.3, it will be some time before we see them since the next patch to be released later is Patch 8.2. Riot's said in the past that Volibear needs more work than just a buff or two, but these changes should help at least make him viable again.