'League of Legends' Visual and Sound Effect Updates Announced for 5 Champions

Riot Games is updating the visual and sound effects of five different League of Legends champions [...]

Riot Games is updating the visual and sound effects of five different League of Legends champions including Dr. Mundo, Anivia, Renekton, Gragas, and Teemo.

Just as other champions like Jarvan VI and Veigar received in the past, the five champions listed above are getting their effects updated now. League of Legends VFX artist Riot Sirhaian posted on the game's boards to say that each of the champions will get an effects update, but not all of them will have both visual and sound effects updated.

"Similar to the recent Jarvan, Lee Sin, Veigar, and Vi updates, we're working on VFX and SFX updates to more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love to get to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity," Riot Sirhaian said. "In Patch 8.24, we'll be releasing VFX and SFX updates for Anivia, Dr. Mundo and Renekton, and VFX-only updates for Gragas (he already received some SFX love) and Teemo."

Starting with Dr. Mundo, the Rioter shared the video above that previewed the Zaunite's new effects on his abilities. Both types of effects can be seen in the video, but the Rioter broke down all the main changes for each of the champion's abilities and his basic attacks in a digestible list format.


  • BA - New trails and impacts for more satisfaction.
  • Q - Now clearer, with a subtle trail to make it more easily readable. Cleaver also now stays stuck in the target for a short time, for maximum satisfaction!
  • W - Now properly shows the range of the AOE, while feeling more threatening. Targets are also briefly visually put on fire when damaged.
  • E - New buff effect on his wrists makes it easier to identify when it's active.
  • R - Bigger initial burst and overall clearer effect makes it actually look like a heal, and is now much easier to see in a Teamfight. Or a tower-dive.


  • BA - Clearer SFX on the hit of the attack.
  • Q - Clearer SFX on when the cleaver is thrown and hits.
  • W - Activation audio is clearer.
  • E - Added Zaun elements into the audio.
  • R - Added Zaun elements into the audio.

The post began with Dr. Mundo, but the VFX artist said that more visual previews for each of the champions would be added to the boards post as Riot Games was ready to show them off.

League of Legends' effects updates for the five champions are scheduled to be released in Patch 8.24.