Nintendo Wants to Make More Movies After 2022's Super Mario Film

Nintendo has expressed that it wants to get way more involved with the movie business after the release of next year's untilted Mario film. The project, which is being done in collaboration with Illumination Entertainment, is set to hit theaters in the latter portion of the year and is largely already done, according to Nintendo. As such, those at the beloved Japanese game developer have already started to think about where they could go next when it comes to their place in the film industry. 

Speaking during a recent Q&A with investors (translated by David Gibson), Nintendo was asked about the possibility of seeing other movies associated with its popular characters come about in the future. Longtime Nintendo boss Shigeru Miyamoto was the one to answer the question, and in a general sense, confirmed that future movies are definitely in the cards. Despite wanting to think about the future, though, Miyamoto said that those at Nintendo are definitely more focused on continuing to polish next year's film first. "Super Mario film is pretty much done, working on the last bit, have a very good feeling about it, but we are very careful not to betray customers and meet expectations, continue to work to polish the movie," Miyamoto said in response to the question. 

Speaking more to what could be coming down the pipeline, Miyamoto expressed that whatever Nintendo decides to do will seemingly happen slowly. Rather than working on a number of movies at a single time, which is something that companies like Marvel and DC do, Miyamoto said that Nintendo's philosophy would instead be to create a single film at a time based on various IPs associated with the publisher. 

While Miyamoto didn't go on to say what could be coming after the 2022 Super Mario movie, recent rumors and reports may have already given us an answer. Within this past week, a new report has emerged saying that an animated movie centered around Donkey Kong, who will be portrayed by Seth Rogen, is already in the early stages of development. Rogen's version of Donkey Kong has already been confirmed to appear in the 2022 Mario film, but it seems like Nintendo could already have plans for the character in his own project as well. 

Regardless of what Nintendo decides to do next in the film space, what are you hoping to see come about down the road? Let me know down in the comments or on Twitter at @MooreMan12.