Mass Effect 4 Theory Points to Return of Fan-Favorite Feature

A new theory about the next Mass Effect game -- unofficially dubbed Mass Effect 4 by many -- potentially points to the return of a fan-favorite feature. The growing expectation of the next Mass Effect game is that it will tap more into the original trilogy than Mass Effect Andromeda. To do this, it will will want to bring back the Paragon and Renegade system of the trilogy that Mass Effect Andromeda left behind, much to the displeasure of many fans. To this end, the game's teasers so far may point to this exact thing. Emphasis on "may," because you will need to get your tinfoil hat out for this one. 

It's been pointed out in a new video from YouTuber Mr Hulthen that the three different teasers for the game so far have all had the same color scheme of blue and a color best described as a mix of orange, red, and brown. They've all had this color scheme, and there are several explanations for this, including that it may point towards something more significant. It's probably just for the sake of marketing, but that's not as exciting of a theory.

It's been pointed out by fans that the blue meeting reddish theme could represent Paragon vs Renegade. If this is the case, it would tease that this system is returning with the new game. And this is a reasonable theory though the reddish color used is described as "reddish" because it's not quite red, where the Renegade red is unmistably red. 

For now, take everything here for what it is, complete and utter speculation. Because it's nothing more than speculation, BioWare and EA are unlikely to comment on it in any capacity, but if the theory draws any type of response from either, or more likely a developer on the game, we will update the story accordingly. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Do you want to see the Paragon vs Renegade system return in the new Mass Effect?