New Metroid Dread Details Revealed

At E3, Nintendo pulled back the curtain on Metroid Dread, an all-new entry in the beloved [...]

At E3, Nintendo pulled back the curtain on Metroid Dread, an all-new entry in the beloved franchise for Nintendo Switch. In a Zoom call with reporters, director Yoshio Sakamoto revealed new information on the game, its genesis, and what fans can expect when Metroid Dread releases later this year. Metroid Dread has been in the planning stages for 15 years now, and was at one point considered for the Nintendo DS. However, it seems the hardware wouldn't have been up to the game's concept. Inspired by the gameplay of Metroid Fusion, Dread will see Samus stalked by a new enemy, the EMMI robots.

"The whole entire concept hasn't changed over these 15 years. Really, it was that Samus, this powerful warrior, would be confronted with some overwhelming enemy that would chase her. That was the idea," Sakomoto said through a translator.

In Metroid Fusion, Samus is consistently stalked by the SA-X. That element made it quite a bit different from previous entries in the series, but it also happened to be one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance. Apparently, the EMMI robots will take this to a new extreme, and their robotic nature is meant to make for a more "unsettling" opponent. Despite this, Sakomoto was quick to point out that this is not a horror game, given the fearless nature of Samus as a protagonist. Dread's storyline will be about Samus overcoming these opponents.

While Metroid Dread is the fifth main series entry in the franchise, Sakomoto seems well aware that this will likely be the first Metroid game for a lot of players. The director said that Dread will summarize important backstory elements for those that haven't played the previous four games. The story will also represent an ending of sorts for the Metroid saga, but Sakomoto hinted that something else might be in store next for Samus.

"The Metroid story until this point has dealt with Samus' strange fate that's been intertwined around this being called the Metroid. And until now, that has been the focus of the series. But what this game represents is a bit of a pause, or kind of a new start to something else," said Sakomoto.

"Nobody wants the Metroid series to end, and we know that. We ourselves don't want that either. But we just want people to know that there is some kind of new episode that is waiting in the works, and we want you to look forward with what we do with that next — but there are no specifics now."

Given the fact that the Metroid race has been basically extinct since the ending of Super Metroid, it would make sense to move on from the current series name, and on to a new chapter for Samus Aran. Given how long it took Metroid Dread to get made, it could be a while before that happens, but it will be interesting to see what Sakomoto and Nintendo have in store next.

Metroid Dread will release October 8th, exclusively on Nintendo Switch. You can check out our previous coverage of the game right here.

Do you plan on picking up Metroid Dread? Are you looking forward to the game? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Polygon]