New Nintendo Direct Seemingly Teased by Insider

A new Nintendo Direct presentation has seemingly been teased by a well-regarded Nintendo insider. Throughout 2022 so far, Nintendo has been pretty quiet when it comes to the future of the Switch. Outside of a Direct that took place in February, we haven't seen a whole lot else from Nintendo this year. Luckily, it sounds like this silence could soon be broken in the form of one new Direct showcase. 

Speaking on Famiboards recently, Nintendo insider Emily Rogers seemed to indicate that a new Direct will be happening somewhat soon. In a comment on a thread that dealt with predicting when the next Direct would take place, Rogers asked those on the forum if they were fans of indie games. Although this might not seem like much of a tease at face value, many took this as a hint that a new Indie World Direct will be coming from Nintendo somewhat soon. Rogers didn't provide any more specifics about when this Indie World presentation could be happening, but based on how Nintendo has operated in the past, it seems like it could transpire at some point this month.

If you're not familiar with what Indie World is in the first place, it's a Direct-style presentation hosted by Nintendo that centers entirely on indie titles that are soon heading to Switch. Nintendo tends to hold a couple of these events each year which means that it's something we've come accustomed to expect.

One reason why an Indie World Direct could make sense to happen soon is because we haven't had one in a pretty long time. The last Indie World showcase took place at the end of last year in December 2021. As such, it would seem about time for Nintendo to host one of these events again at a time in the near future. 

What do you think about this new tease associated with the next Nintendo Direct? And are there any indie games that you're looking forward to on Nintendo Switch? Let me know for yourself by hitting me up either down in the comments or on Twitter at @MooreMan12.