New Tomb Raider Reboot Posters Reveal Alicia Vikander as a Battle-Ready Lara Croft

For those looking forward to the upcoming Tomb Raider film based off of the rebooted game series, [...]

For those looking forward to the upcoming Tomb Raider film based off of the rebooted game series, Warner Bros. has just revealed a few more posters to show off that actress Alicia Vikander is more than ready to fill the impressive boots of the iconic Lara Croft.

Both photos of Lara Croft are fierce, showing a hardened hero that is ready for the many challenged she will face. Armed with the iconic gear seen in-game, Vikander looks born to play the younger Croft in the below images:

(Photo: Warner Bros.)
(Photo: Warner Bros.)

With the reboot adapting the narrative of the highly successful video game that released in 2013, everything we've seen so far has given fans of the renowned archaeologist and adventurer hope to see this icon on the big screen.

This is isn't the first we've seen of Vikander in Croft's boots. With the game that released in 2013, the new narrative followed a much younger Lara as an origins tale. For veterans of the franchise, we've seen Miss Croft as this confident, surefire character - but everyone has their origins story and the 2013 title was hers.

With the newly revealed posters and all of the hustle happening on the film's Twitter lately, it is likely that we will get another big reveal here shortly prior to the movie's March release. Hopefully we can see even more of the island that she finds herself on, and see how well Vikander has adapted to her iconic role!

When asked how the movie reboot will compare to its recent video game counterpart, Roar Uthaug, the film's director, had this to say:

"I think making Lara Croft feel like a real human being, that's definitely something we want to bring to the big screen as well. I think we'll want to make people relate to Lara as a character. I'm hoping to bring some of my Norwegian sensibilities to the franchise."

Uthaug is a Norwegian film director best known for films such at The Wave, Escape, and Cold Prey. He grew up on adventures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and hopes to bring that same feel into Croft's story. It's important to remember that just like in the 2013 game, this Croft isn't a seasoned adventurer. She's one young woman forced to see what she is made of.

As far as what the actress herself thinks of her upcoming role, Vikander previously sat down with Collider to to discuss what Lara means to her and what it feels like to the younger Croft:

"I hadn't played the new rebooted game...and now I have and now it's quite different. The [sic] kind of rebooted the game and it visually looks quite different and it's like I said, it's more of an origin story."

"I played the game when I was a kid. Anyways, it was a really the real first protagonist I had seen in a video game at that point. And of course Angelina Jolie made her into an icon. So it's cool to try to step into the shoes and we're hoping to make something that will hopefully will be fresh and new."

Her legend begins March 16th, 2018 in theaters everywhere.