New World, Lost Ark Forums Shutting Down in Favor of Discord Servers

Lost Ark and New World players looking to have chats about the games in an official setting will have to do so in a place other than the games' official forums now that those are set to shut down soon. Amazon announced the closure of the New World and Lost Ark forums this week but said that it would instead be hosting these types of player-to-player interactions instead on Discord servers that have already been set up for the games. May 1st will mark the end of users' abilities to post on the forums, though players will still be able to read through the contents of the forums for a while before they're completely shut down.

The decision to shut down these forums was aptly announced with the forums themselves with messages shard in each hub explaining what would happen. Amazon said the forums are being shut down "to add as much value as possible" to the Discord servers.

"With the launch of our official Lost Ark Discord along with the features, functionality, and accessibility for players we have made the decision to embrace Discord as our primary engagement platform for Lost Ark moving forward," Amazon said in the Lost Ark forums. "To help us add as much value as possible to our Discord server, we will be sunsetting the Lost Ark forums which will allow our staff to focus on providing quality engagement opportunities in a central, and easily accessible platform."

A nearly identical message retooled for New World players was shared in that game's forums, too.

So, what's the plan moving forward? Players have until May 1st to continue posting in the forums, so if you want to go ahead and make the move elsewhere, you can find the Lost Ark Discord here and the New World one here. The Lost Ark Discord was opened on April 11th while the New World Discord was opened on March 14th, so both are still quite new.

"Starting May 1st, we will be removing the ability for users to post to the forums but we will be having them remain visible so that any sort of content that users would like to save will be available for them," the posts in the forums said. "During this time we will be cataloging all of the historical feedback that players have left, assuring that sentiment and feedback left is not lost."