Nintendo Announces ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’, ‘Splatoon 2’ Tournaments

For a while there, it didn’t look like Nintendo would be serious about showing its competitive [...]

For a while there, it didn't look like Nintendo would be serious about showing its competitive side with games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Splatoon 2. But it's changed its tune, starting with the Nintendo World Championships. And now it's got two big tournaments revolving around its successful Nintendo Switch games.

The company announced today that it will be hosting a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate North American Open 2019 this February, in which the best players in the world will come together and prove who is the king- or queen- of the hit fighting game. The tournament is set to begin with qualifiers starting on February 2, with a breakdown for each region (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest) across qualifiers and finals.

Not only that, but the company will also hold a Splatoon 2 North American Inkling Open 2019 starting in February as well, in which teams will take part in "Ink Pools" before heading to the finals.

Both of the finals will take place at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East show, which will be held in Boston on March 30. It'll be a good place to see the best of the best Nintendo players do their stuff.

"This inclusive pair of tournaments is a great way for anyone to show off their skills while playing two of their favorite Nintendo Switch games," said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America's Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "Nintendo games are for everyone, and offer a unique combination of social competitive fun. That's why we're opening the qualifying rounds to fans of all skill levels."

The company noted, "For the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate North America Open 2019, players will have the chance to qualify in one of four regions across North America. Three individual rounds of qualifying online events will give players three separate chances to represent their region at PAX East.

The announcement video can be seen above, and more details about the tournaments, including how you can enter and qualify, can be found on the official tournament page. Good luck- and bring your gaming skills!

Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are available now for Nintendo Switch in both physical and digital format through the Nintendo eShop.

Which tournament do you think you'd be qualified to enter? Let me know on Twitter at @TheDCD!