Nintendo World Championships 2017 Crowns Their New Champion

And just like that, the Nintendo World Championships 2017 are over and done with. 24 players [...]

And just like that, the Nintendo World Championships 2017 are over and done with. 24 players competed to see who would take home the trophy after several stages of different Nintendo games to prove who was the best of the best. This year had a few interesting faces, including Ender Game's Asa Butterfield and WWE SuperStar Bayley, but only one can come out the victor. Spoiler ... it wasn't either of them.

We saw Donkey Kong, Super Smash Brothers, Arms, and a few other fantastic titles showcased in this year's events. We even got a closer look at the upcoming Super Mario Odyssey as the final showdown. So who was the winner?


Congratulations to Ito hailing from sunny Los Angeles, California. In an amazing run up against the second place player John Numbers within the upcoming Mario title, the victory was a sweet one and very well deserved.

The Nintendo Championships first began back in 1990. With a rocky history of events, the showdown venue eventually came back in a big way back in 2015. Unlike what many were hoping for however, this year's festivities did not house any hidden surprises - despite Reggie's big tease in the beginning. It was still a fantastic show, showing off amazing skills and showing everyone world-wide how the Nintendo community comes together.

One spectator had this to say about their viewing experience:

"That honestly was so much fun!! I absolutely loved the variety of games Nintendo had, some being old, new, obscure, or well-known. So many matches were super intense and made me sit on the edge of my seat! It was so great to see Thomas dethrone John!! Everybody involved did an amazing job! All in all, it was a fantastic event and I really hope Nintendo does it again next year!"

The event lasted about 5 hours and was definitely and enjoyable experience for both new and veteran Nintendo fans. Congratulations again, Ito! You deserve it!