Did you love MotorStorm? Do you love Burnout? Are you the kind of person who never makes it a single lap around a race without ramming into the other cars surrounding you? My dude, Onrush is the game for you. This is an over-the-top arcade racer from the racing game gurus at Codemasters that emphasizes speed, style, and mayhem. This morning, the crew unleashed a new trailer showing off all of the vehicle classes and their unique abilities. Check it out above!
Videos by ComicBook.com
As you can see, there’s a vehicle for every play style here. Whether you’re the type to weave through obstacles, avoiding all danger and relying on your driving skills, or the type who loves to cause as much wreckage and chaos as possible, there is a vehicle class here that will empower you to play the way you want, and reward you for doing things your way.
If you guys are at work or school and can’t peep the trailer right this second, we have the full list of vehicle classes and abilities, here. We hope you love bulleted lists!
Vehicle Classes and Abilities:
- RUSH – Firewall: RUSHing leaves a destructive trail of fire scorching the earth behind.
- ABILITY – Crashbang: Your Tombstones are blinding when collected by opponents.
- TRAIT – Tumbler: Earn RUSH directly from front and back flips.
- RUSH – Drain: RUSHing drains boost from all opponents in range.
- ABILITY – Slam: Heavy landings trigger a shockwave that makes nearby enemies vulnerable.
- TRAIT – Show-Off: Earn RUSH directly from performing tricks.
- RUSH – Turbulence: RUSHing leaves a disruptive wake of turbulent air behind.
- ABILITY – Touchdown: Timed boost landings are more effective.
- TRAIT – Spiral: Earn RUSH directly from performing barrel rolls.
- RUSH – Bulldoze: Plow through opponents with a physically larger RUSH effect.
- ABILITY – Airstrike: Improved magnetism on in-air attacks.
- TRAIT – Daredevil: Earn RUSH from driving near enemies.
- RUSH – Rampage: Refill your RUSH gauge with successful takedowns.
- ABILITY – Surge: Initial boost usage is more powerful but more costly.
- TRAIT – Pinpoint: Earn RUSH directly from performing near misses.
- RUSH – Energize: RUSHing supplies nearby teammates with boost.
- ABILITY – Restock: Drop boost pick-ups for your team by boosting.
- TRAIT – Unite: Earn RUSH directly from driving near teammates.
- RUSH – Blockade: RUSHing drops a trail of blockades that slow your opponents down.
- ABILITY – Shield: Give nearby teammates a shield that offers protection from big hits.
- TRAIT – Impact: Earn RUSH directly from taking down opponents.
- RUSH – Blackout: RUSHing blinds any opponent following behind.
- ABILITY – Shutdown: Hit opponents to temporarily disable their boost.
- TRAIT – Bully: Earn RUSH directly from taking down fodder.
Onrush will be crashing onto PS4 and Xbox One on June 5! Stay tuned for our full review!