Overwatch Talks Potential Nintendo Switch Port, Mobile

Earlier today we spoke about Overwatch and how Blizzard was taking an approach to a potential [...]

Earlier today we spoke about Overwatch and how Blizzard was taking an approach to a potential sequel. The developers remain firm in wanting to keep the focus on the current game while fleshing it out via events, new story tid-bits, and the tie-in comics. Understandable, there is still so much we don't know, but if they're planning to stick with their first installment - what could that mean for the future? Could we be seeing a Nintendo Switch port? Or how about a mobile version like how Fortnite and PUBG transitioned?

Blizzard's Assistant Game Direct Aaron Keller and Senior Game Producer Matthew Hawley recently sat down with our sister site GameSpot to discuss the next step for the franchise, and if taking it on the go will be an option.

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Hawley took point on a Switch version stating that the technology is interesting, but the competition might not be what the series needs at this time. "I think it is one of those things that we constantly evaluate. Where technology is going; where the industry is going," he said. "There are challenges in running on the platforms that we're not already on, otherwise we would probably already be on some of those other platforms. We'll see where things go. Certainly, there is a huge number of people out there who have Nintendo Switch and mobile phones, but right now, the core development team is focused on supporting the live game."

Part of the charm of Overwatch is that despite looking simple at first glance, it's actually incredibly intricate. Each hero is vastly different in personality, backstory, and play style. Pair that with new cosmetics, events, lore, and tons more - the sky really is the limit and they have no real reason to move on quite yet or really change anything at all. That being said, many are itching to learn more about some of the other characters that have seen little time in the spotlight, much like my girl Pharah and ya boi Lucio.

Keller addressed the want for more story components by stating, "There is a ton of story that we want to tell and a ton of story that we are going to be telling. We really like not having to carry the full burden of having to explain the whole story in a highly competitive, high-action, 6v6 shooter. I think we get some story elements in the game that work really well, but we're not going to be able to do something like The Last Bastion and tell that story within the context of a PvP shooter. Where it makes sense we'll continue to explore and do stuff like that."

Bottom line is there is still quite a lot left to explore with the current game, and Blizzard is committed to fleshing it out thoroughly before moving on. And that's just one of the main reasons why we love this team so much!

Overwatch is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

If you're picking up what I'm puttin' down, feel free to follow me over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.