'Overwatch' Team Hilariously Saved From an Enemy Ult by a Basketball

When that final push comes and it's down to overtime, a well-timed enemy Ultimate can make or [...]

When that final push comes and it's down to overtime, a well-timed enemy Ultimate can make or break a match in Overwatch. Sometimes an enemy Mei will accidentally save you from Reindhardt's hammer, sometimes an ill-placed enemy Lucio boop can save you from all of that justice raining from above. In this case though - an entire team was saved by ... a basketball.

When the enemy team have a basket ball to save them from grav. from r/Overwatch

We have a lot of Overwatch players on our team and though I recently converted over to being a Moira main after a few epic round in Mystery heroes, I still can't help but to love what other heroes bring to the table. In the hunt for awesome fellow Overwatch fans, I stumbled upon a pretty epic save concerning an orange round wonder (a basketball, I'm talking about the basketball).

In case the above clip is a little unclear, what happened was Mercy was doing the lord's work with her healing stream. While her team was all grouped up and ready for a Zarya strike, a basketball came bouncing in to save the day from a well-placed Graviton Surge. Since the Ultimate attack hit the ball instead of the team, Mercy's compadres-in-arms were able to move freely and continue on their attack.

For those that are unfamiliar with Overwatch, the Nepal map has a spawn room when players are waiting to attack. This spawn room has a rack of basketballs and a hoop that players will always try to score in. Sometimes they are successful - other times, not so much, but the effort is there.

Though the balls themselves aren't really supposed to leave the spawn room, that doesn't mean they don't. In this instance, it not only did - but it saved an entire team and kept up that defensive line for a strong push back.

Have any other awesome last-minute save stories from Blizzard's hit FPS? Tell us all about them in the comment section below, or hit me up on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!