New Cryptic PlayStation Teaser Has Fans Going Mad

Sony is teasing something, and PlayStation fans can't figure out what it is. It could be something [...]

Sony is teasing something, and PlayStation fans can't figure out what it is. It could be something related to the PS5 or a new game for the next-gen Sony console. Or maybe it's simply marketing at its finest. After all, it's vague enough to cause speculation, which in turns causes it to pick up steam and make the rounds. Unfortunately, at the moment, no one has deduced what the teaser is, but that isn't stopping everyone and their mother's sister's nephew's pet tarantula from putting on their world's best Internet detective hat.

In case you missed it, today the official Sony Twitter account tweeted out something that seemingly has to do with video games. Now, what's a bit odd about this is that it's from the Sony Twitter account and not PlayStation. Not only does the Sony Twitter account not tweet about games very much, but it rarely posts vague teasers like this.

That said, at the moment of publishing, the leading theories suggest it's something PS5 related, but that's a pretty broad guess. Meanwhile, a more specific suggestion is that it's a tease for a sequel to Tokyo Jungle.

As you can see, there's not much to the teaser, but it's all the different animals that have some players wondering if it's related to a follow up to Tokyo Jungle, a 2012 survival-action game from SIE Japan that received pretty divisive reviews. And while this is a good guess, I'm not sure it's accurate, only because I can't imagine Sony making a follow-up to a title that didn't perform critically or commercially.

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. What the heck is Sony teasing?