PlayStation Wrap Up 2021 Is Available Now

Even though 2021 is nearly a month behind us, PlayStation has today pushed like its annual Wrap-Up service that allows players to see what they spent their time with in the previous calendar year. Much like Spotify Wrapped, which somewhat popularized the trend of being able to view your habits over the course of a full year, PlayStation Wrap-Up gives players a number of statistics that tie back in with the larger PlayStation ecosystem. And while viewing your own stats is fun enough on its own, PlayStation is also giving out some free goodies to those who take part in Wrap-Up. 

If you're looking to take part in PlayStation Wrap-Up 2021 for yourself, the service is currently live on PlayStation's website right here. Once you log-in to your own PlayStation account, you should be able to view the number of games you played over the course of 2021, the hours you spent with each, and even the overall total of hours you spent with PlayStation. In addition, your own Wrap-Up report will tell you how many new Trophies you added to your collection throughout the year. 

As mentioned, PlayStation also happens to be giving out a couple of free items to those who access PlayStation Wrap-Up for themselves. Specifically, a code that can be redeemed for four free avatars will be given to those who generate their own 2021 Wrap-Up report. So even if you're not interested in knowing your own stats from last year, this is worth taking part in purely for the free goodies. 

It's also worth noting that at the time of this writing, PlayStation Wrap-Up 2021 is experiencing a number of problems on the official PlayStation website. Many who are looking to view their own statistics from 2021 are instead simply finding an error screen stating that "something's wrong". This is likely just due to the sheer number of people who are looking to access the page at a single time, though, leading to PlayStation's site being overwhelmed. As such, if you're having this problem for yourself, be sure to just return to the page at a later time and perhaps it'll work for you then. 

How many hours did you spend with your own PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 over the course of 2021? And what game did you end up playing the most throughout the year? Be sure to let me know your own results either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12