Pokemon Home Support for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gets Release Window

The Pokemon Company finally shared news on plans for Pokemon Home support in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet this week during Nintendo's latest Pokemon Presents event. Beginning in early 2023, those who own the newest Pokemon games will finally be able to transfer their Pokemon using the Pokemon Home service. Both Pokemon Scarlet and Violet came out in November 2022, so after several months of catching Pokemon, those who've been waiting on Pokemon Home support should have quite the collection to migrate to that service, though it'll also be helpful in bringing forward any Pokemon you may have had a hard time finding so that you can finish your Pokedex.

While neither Nintendo nor The Pokemon Company hinted at anything specific that'd be at this Pokemon Presents beyond general Pokemon news, Pokemon Home support for Scarlet and Violet was an expected announcement. The service never really launches day-and-date with new Pokemon games considering how it'd allow people to complete their Pokedex much quicker than intended by bringing forward older Pokemon, though it's been long enough now that many people have done that anyway without the help of Pokemon Home. A release window is not nearly as welcome news as a specific date, but we've at least gotten an update on the Pokemon Home situation.

If you've never used Pokemon Home before, it's certainly worth looking into if you've played more than one Pokemon game in recent years. It's a cloud service available on mobile devices, is free, and will make your Pokemon management much easier.

"Pokémon Home is a cloud service for Nintendo Switch and compatible mobile devices designed as a place where all Pokémon can gather," an overview of this Pokemon Home service explained. "By linking the same Nintendo Account to both the Nintendo Switch version and mobile version of Pokémon Home, you'll be able to access the same Pokémon Boxes on both versions! With Pokémon Home, you can move Pokémon between compatible games, trade Pokémon on the go, and more!"

Aside from the Pokemon Home announcement, the other reveal Pokemon fans were hoping for was a DLC announcement for Scarlet and Violet. Post-launch support like that has been pretty standard practice for more recent Pokemon games, so there was precedent to believe that we'd get a reveal this week.

Pokemon Home support for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will arrive on [DATE]