Skinning Animals In 'Red Dead Redemption 2' Can Be Brutally Savage

Earlier today, the Entertainment Software Rating Board released its rating of Red Dead Redemption [...]

red dead redemption 2 dead animal horse

Earlier today, the Entertainment Software Rating Board released its rating of Red Dead Redemption 2, accompanied by a healthy sized warning about the game's variety of mature, violent, and sexual content. One of the things it touched on, was animal skinning.

And in many ways like real life, skinning animals in Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't just simply one quick animation or a simple incision with blood splatter. Nope, sometimes skinning an animal can be pretty brutal, as this new Reddit video attests to.

I wasn't expecting it to be this brutal from r/reddeadredemption

If you're familiar with skinning, particularly skinning rabbits, you will know that while a little unconventional, this isn't super uncommon. If you're experienced and good at it, skinning a rabbit can take 10-15 seconds and doesn't require a knife because a rabbit's skin is very thin, similar to animals like squirrels.

That said, it's still pretty brutal to see, especially for those not used to skinning animals. There's something about the way Morgan holds the rabbit, and the noises it makes as you peel off its skin that perhaps doesn't serve as the best appetizer for dinner that night.

Now, please excuse me while I go get PETA on the phone.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. At the moment, there is no word of a PC release or a Nintendo Switch release, though the former has been leaked in a variety of ways already.

For more news and coverage of the game, click here. And of course, if you haven't already be sure to peep our official review of the game. Here's a snippet (via Robert Workman) explaining why the game is worthy of a perfect score.

"There is just something here that digs in and grips you, and refuses to let go. Even when everything is looking its bleakest and you wonder if you'll survive, there's a genuine satisfaction from a job well done. From getting away with a stolen oil carriage from a well-guarded refinery to surviving a simple ambush where thugs make the mistake of trying to rob you for your horse. I played for hours on end plowing through the main story and still found myself in wonder just from riding across the countryside and discovering something new -- even fishing feels like it's a devoted part of the game. Fishing."