Rumor: Rockstar Games Will Reveal A New Game at E3 2019

According to rumor fresh of the mill, Rockstar Games will reveal a new game next month at E3 2019. [...]

bully pink
(Photo: Rockstar Games)

According to rumor fresh of the mill, Rockstar Games will reveal a new game next month at E3 2019. The rumor comes way of a Reddit user who claims to be working for a company that is building a landing page for Take-Two for an unannounced game. Unfortunately, these is where the details dry up. There's no word of what this unannounced game could be. That said, the Internet is speculating that it could be the for the long-rumored, sometimes leaking, Bully 2. Others think Grand Theft Auto VI. Some are even throwing around an LA Noire follow-up, Agent, or the possibility of a new IP.

Of course, the biggest question shouldn't be what game it is, but whether or not this is true. Once May starts, pre-E3 silly season also starts. Rumors, reports, and leaks start popping up everywhere. And most of them will be inaccurate or fake. But, inevitably, some of them are legit and accurate. So, what camp does this fall into? Well, it's impossible to definitively know, but my guess is the former.

For one, Rockstar Games has historically never attended E3, and has even acknowledged that it doesn't think the show is ideal for it to announce games. Why would it suddenly change this approach?

Two, it just released Red Dead Redemption 2, and given how Rockstar is structured and releases games these days, it probably won't be releasing another title for awhile, and that title will most likely be Grand Theft Auto VI.

Three, this is an anonymous leak, which, as you would expect, have the worst track record of rumors. It's pretty easy to get on the Internet and make claims when there's no accountability or reputation on the line.

That all said, take this with a grain of salt. While it's possible this rumor is accurate, it's more likely it isn't. And if Rockstar Games were to show up at E3, I'd assume it would be to announce Red Dead Redemption 2 for the PC, not a new game.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. Do you think Rockstar Games will be at E3 next month? If so, what will it announce?