Since the Secret of Mana franchise made its debut back in the 1990s, the series has grown exponentially throughout the years. Now it’s back and bigger than ever in the age of remasters, and the launch trailer proves that this is the perfect way to blend a classic RPG experience with today’s generation of gaming.
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The game is out now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita players and the video above shows off the classic RPG mechanics we’ve come to know and love, but with a modern twist. With the originally 2D adventure made into a 3D masterpiece, it’s interesting to see it all come together as a full-on remaster.
Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series. To see it remade with 3D technology is impressive, but that wasn’t the only aspect of the game enhanced. The original soundtrack also got a major boost, as well as all new narrative bits to make the experience all the more immersive. New voice overs, new graphics, new track list, same fantastic RPG experience.
Secret of Mana HD is now available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Don’t forget to download the free PS4 theme to celebrate the release also! For more about the game:
The game faithfully retells the beloved story while adopting modern 3D graphics and controls. It will feature a newly arranged musical score, voiced characters and new content.
The adventure of Randi, Primm, and Popoi is reborn in the new Secret of Mana HD!
Key Features:
- Moogle Suit DLC – Equippable armor that can be used in game. This special piece of equipment also changes the appearance of the characters.
- Tiger Two Piece DLC -Equippable armor that can be used in game. This special piece of equipment also changes the appearance of Primm.
- Tiger Suit DLC – Equippable armor that can be used in game. This special piece of equipment also changes the appearance of Randi and Popoi.
- Custom downloadable wallpaper (sizes: 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024, 1920 x 1080, 2560 x 1600)
- 3D Graphics – Revamped visuals for the entire game; a vivid, Mana-filled world rebuilt in 3D!
- Upgraded Gameplay – The original system has been reworked in an effort to realize a modern action RPG with improved gameplay.