The Last Guardian's Creator Is Recruiting for a New Project

The team behind The Last Guardian is now looking to add more members to their group in preparation [...]

The Last Guardian

The team behind The Last Guardian is now looking to add more members to their group in preparation for a new project that they're working on.

Led my famous game creator Fumito Ueda, the genDESIGN team created a new site where they hope to recruit some new talent for their upcoming project. They shared the news through their Twitter page with a link to their site that included several different job titles and descriptions that they are looking to fill.

"genDESIGN opened a special recruitment site for next project," the tweet said. "We are waiting for the participation of game developers."

Unfortunately, there's not much to be gathered from the job recruitment site that they've created. While some job postings from other companies will sometimes include phrases such as "first-person shooter" or "open world" to give you some hint as to what their next game might entail, the genDESIGN job listings are pretty vague. With jobs listed that relate to animation, programming, and level design, it's hard to infer anything from the limited details that are available.

But with Ueda's track record, you can expect whatever they're working on next to be something just as impressive as the designer's previous games. Ueda is known for directing and designing beautiful games like Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, and The Last Guardian, games that have amassed quite the following thanks to their distinct appearance and mechanics.

In the past, Ueda has mentioned that he'd like to go back to the open-world formula that was seen in Shadow of the Colossus, so if the job listings ever get updated and the phrase does appear somewhere within the descriptions, there's certainly cause for excitement. With the recruitment post just going up recently though, it's hard to imagine that we'll receive any firm details on the upcoming project anytime soon. Ueda has said that he wants to get the next game out there as quick as he can though, so here's hoping that he's able to do that.