Thumper Now Available on Nintendo Switch, PS4 Graphics Comparison Video a Must-See

Thumper is now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop, and I daresay, the Switch is the perfect [...]

Thumper is now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop, and I daresay, the Switch is the perfect place for a game like this. It's perfect because once it sinks its hooks into you, Thumper is a game that will constantly challenge you to come back and run stages again and again to take down your previous high score, or to set a new one for the rest of the world. You'll want to take this one to bed with you. It's also a game best played with headphones on, and the Switch's portable nature will encourage more players to engage that way. Additionally, the game looks and runs like a dream (or a nightmare). Check out this direct-feed graphics comparison between the PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions:

We're seeing total performance parity here, with no perceivable loss in image quality or effects. Drool co-founder Marc Flury labored as Thumper's lone programmer, and revealed to us that he spent a lot of time and effort bringing this port to fruition. A few weeks ago, Flury revealed to MCV that the hard work paid off, and the tools made available to developers on the Switch were more than adequate, saying:

"Fortunately, the hardware is capable and the tools and support have been top-notch. As soon as we got the game running on Switch, I wanted to curl up in bed and play it. We're excited to bring the game to a mobile platform. With the Switch, we can make it portable without sacrificing any of the visual or gameplay quality." What's more, the Switch version supports HD Rumble which, when implemented properly, can add a gratifying tactile dimension to the gameplay experience.

For only $20, I'm tempted to sling so much hyperbole your way to convince you that this game is worth playing. For most, a few minutes of gameplay footage is all that it takes to convince them that Thumper is a delightfully dreadful break from the rhythm game status quo, but for a lot of you, it won't truly sink in until you get your hands on it. You'll have to trust us on this one: Thumper is an exciting and meditative rhythm-violence spectacle that will challenge and delight you. Pick this one up, and thank us later.