Vampire Survivors Receives Update 1.1.0, Patch Notes Revealed

One of the year's most surprising hits, Vampire Survivors, has today received a new update. Since launching at the end of 2021 via early access, Vampire Survivors has continued to receive additional updates on a routine basis. And while the game has left early access within the past month, it looks like new patches are going to continue to be commonplace for a bit longer. 

As of this moment, update 1.1.0 for Vampire Survivors has rolled out and is available to download. For the most part, this latest patch for the game doesn't do a whole lot, but it has added some new content to the experience. Specifically, patch 1.1.0 adds two new achievements, an additional power up, a new secret character, and a Challenge Stage to Vampire Survivors. What's included in this update isn't game-changing by any means, but it should give players plenty of additional content to enjoy. 

All in all, it will be interesting to see how much ongoing support Vampire Survivors continues to receive. Since the game has now exited its early access phase, it stands to reason that new content updates won't roll out as frequently as they once did. Then again, Vampire Survivors remains incredibly popular, which means that there's a good chance that developer Poncle will continue to bring new additions 

If you'd like to find the full patch notes for this new Vampire Survivors update, you can check them out down below. 

New Content

-2 Extra Achievements
-1 New Power Up
-1 New Challenge Stage

- 1 New Secret


-Improved loading times of the pause menu

New Unlocks Info

Tiny Bridge Challenge stage:

- Obtain by reaching Level 80 in Inverse Gallo Tower

Seal PowerUp:
- 10 ranks
- base price: 10.000
- Obtain by banishing 10 or more items in a single run.

- Allows to Banish an item from level up choices, or a pickup from light sources. Use in COLLECTION menu.

When Sealing a weapon, it will be automatically added to the list of banished weapons at the start of a run. When Sealing an item, the item will not be removed from the loot table, but will turn into a Gold Coin instead, which means this does not affect standard drop rates.