
World of Warcraft Makes Change Fans Have Been Asking for Since 2008


Blizzard Entertainment has made a major change to World of Warcraft‘s Wrath of the Lich King, and it’s one that fans have been asking for since the expansion first released. The “School of Hard Knocks” achievement has been a thorn in the side of players since 2008. Completing the achievement has been a requirement to complete the Children’s Week achievement “For the Children.” The change was made as part of a hotfix released on May 4th, and it should lead to a lot of relief for players that have been struggling with this achievement over the years!

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A small list of patch notes from World of Warcraft‘s official website can be found below:

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sepulcher of the First Ones
    • Anduin Wrynn
      • Increased the time it takes for players to be susceptible to Blasphemy after returning to their body.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Non-boss enemies
      • Corrected an issue that caused Ancient Captain’s DemoralizingShout and Commanding Presence to increase damage taken when charmed byplayers.


  • World Events
    • “School of Hard Knocks” is no longer required for the Children’s Week achievement “For the Children.”

It may have taken Blizzard a long time to make this change, but it’s nice to see that the company finally listened to those that have been asking for it. On Twitter, fans have been asking for the requirement’s removal every May, when Children’s Week would come around. Fans have tried begging, pleading, and even bribing Blizzard to remove the requirement. It’s amazing to look back on Twitter and see so many people clamoring for this change, and it’s hard to overstate how relieved players must be.

Children’s Week came to an end earlier today, so hopefully the May 4th hotfix made for a more pleasurable experience! The School of Hard Knocks achievement prevented a lot of players from obtaining the Violet Proto-Drake, but it looks like that was slightly easier to achieve thanks to the change.

Are you happy that Blizzard finally listened to fans on this one? Was the School of Hard Knocks achievement causing you stress? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!