How the Dead Return in 'Avengers 4' May Have Been Revealed in 'Ant-Man and the Wasp' Post-Credits

When the Ant-Man and the Wasp post-credits scene concluded with the aftermath of The Snappening, [...]

When the Ant-Man and the Wasp post-credits scene concluded with the aftermath of The Snappening, leaving Scott Lang trapped in the Quantum Realm, it was pretty clear that Marvel's most mysterious place would be a major factor in the events of Avengers 4. However, if you taken an even closer look at that scene, it appears that we might already have more answers than we realized.

According to a new fan theory, the Quantum Realm scene during the Ant-Man and the Wasp credits actually reveals what happened to the souls of those lost in the Snap, providing an answer as to how they could return in Avengers 4.

The theory, initially posted on Reddit, takes a long look back at the post-credits scene and examines Scott's surroundings in the Quantum Realm. If you look carefully, you'll see something in his surroundings drastically change just a moment before Hank, Janet, and Hope are dusted away. There is an influx of orange orbs surrounding him, increasing in number as time goes on. These are representative of lost souls, those who died on Earth.

Given that the Soul Stone is orange, this theory does make some sense. Along with the post, the Reddit user shared a video that lined up the events of Thanos' snap, the Ant-Man and the Wasp credits scene, and the Infinity War credits scene. The way the video is put together, it shows a way that the timelines could match up just right, allowing for the orange orbs to represent all of the lives lost in the Snap.

Take a look!

Now, there is no concrete evidence that the Quantum Realm is actually a version of the afterlife in the MCU, but it's not completely out of the question. Besides, if those really are the people who died in the Snap, there's totally a way to get them back.

Scott was trapping an orange energy when he first got to the Quantum Realm in the scene. This was to help create a cure for Ghost's ailment. Perhaps that energy comes from the souls of those who have gone before. If that's even the least bit true, then Janet has already figured out how to transport the energy of those souls back to Earth.

It will likely be much more intricate in Avengers 4, but there's definitely some solid groundwork to this theory. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Avengers 4 is set to hit theaters on May 3, 2019.