In the last decade, Marvel’s done an excellent job adapting many of their characters into live action properties, be it through films or television shows, but who exactly have they left off? That’s what we thought long and hard about, and after scouring over everyone Marvel has to offer, we decided that these are the 10 Best Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie!
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For the record, we’ve left off characters like Black Widow, Miles Morales, and Captain Marvel, who all have their own movies on the horizon.
Which Marvel character do you want to see get their own movie? Tell us in the comments and make sure you check out the video at the top of the article to see who all made our list.
10. Spider-Man 2099

9. Nova

No. 9 is Nova, be it Richard Ryder or Sam Alexander. Because the Nova Corps have already been introduced into the MCU,ย Thanos destroying Xandar would be an excellent jumping off point for this story. Seeing how Richard or Sam (or both?) respond to this situation would be a really interesting way to introduce Nova to a worldwide audience.
8. Namor

At No. 8 is Namor the Sub-Mariner. His existence in the MCU has been hinted at through Easter eggs, butย there’s been no plans (that we know of) thus far to bring Namorย out in the open. Now that Aquamanย is set to utilizeย underwater environments, it would be a shame to not get Marvel’sย take on that as well.
7. Moon Knight

In the seventh spot is Moon Knight. Fans have been clamoring for years to see theย debut by Marvel’s most psychologically troubled hero. A lot of people feel like Moon Knight would be right at home with a darker Netflixย series a la Daredevil or Punisher, but Marvel have proven that they can make household names out of lesser-known heroes.
6. Spider-Woman

Swinging into No. 6 is Spider-Woman. Even though she’s been around for a long, long time, there’s still this big misconception that Spider-Woman is just a female version of Spider-Man, which isn’t true at all. Aside from having a variety of different powers, she’s actually got a huge connection to both Hydra and the Avengers in the comics, and she’d fit right into the MCU.
5. Shuri

No. 5 is Shuri. The genius little sister of Black Panther could easily carry her own film after proving to be a bonafide show stealer. Before Black Panther debuted, very few casual fans had any clue who Shuriย was, but now everyone wants to see more of her.
4. Bucky Barnes

At No. 4, we’ve got Bucky Barnes. To date, he’s popped up in 5 MCU films, and deserves his own movie if he makes it out of Avengers 4 alive. In all honesty, the likeliest outcome would be that Steve Rogers doesn’t make it out alive, and Buckyย is the man that picks up the shield and takes up the mantle of Cap.
3. Captain Britain

No. 3 – Captain Britain. Most of the Marvel characters thus far have been centered around New York or up in the cosmos, so it would be a change of pace to focus on this hero from the other side of the pond. Little known fact (or maybe a well-known fact depending on how long you’ve been reading comics) but Cap Brit is fraternal twins with one Betsy Braddock, whom you may know better as Psylocke.ย
2. Ms. Marvel

No. 2 is Ms. Marvel, namely the Kamalaย Khan version, and now that we’re getting Captain Marvel very soon, her inclusion doesn’t seem too far off. Considering her bio pre-powers consists of her being a giant Carol Danversย fan… can you say sequel???
1. X-23

But the Marvel character who absolutely needs her own movie is X-23! Dafne Keen knocked it out of the park in Logan, and director James Mangold has stated his interest in pursuing a solo film with Wolverine’s clone daughter.