The upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp marks the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where a female superhero’s name is included in the title, signifying just how powerful of a hero Evangeline Lilly‘s Hope Van Dyne has become. Paul Rudd seemingly agrees with this ruling, having hinted at Hope being motivated by different factors for the upcoming film.
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“I feel like she’s born into it and made for it more than I am,” Rudd shared with during a set visit. “She has the focus and the drive and I think the desire to do it maybe more than me, at least at first.”
In the original film, Hope regularly professed that Scott Lang was in over his head and that she was more deserving of the Ant-Man suit, only for her father to be overprotective and refuse to give her access. The film ended with Hope getting a suit of her own, as trailers for the sequel revealed that her Wasp suit is even more advanced than Scott’s.
The first film also made it quite clear that Hope was far more advanced in hand-to-hand combat, requiring her to train Scott how to handle himself in physical situations. Rudd teased how that physicality comes into play when the two must cooperate.
“I don’t know whether or not we’re on the same page at the beginning,” Rudd admitted. “Maybe we’re a little rusty or you know, we’re good if we get past our baggage and everything else. Maybe we’re a good team.”
The relationship between the two was relatively combative early on in the original film, only for the two to develop romantic feelings for one another. According to Rudd, this is only one relationship in the film that has changed from what we last saw.
“What certainly you’ll see this relationship evolve, between Scott and Hope, as well as this relationship that I have with my daughter,” Rudd noted at a press event for the film. “My daughter Cassie, this is really the biggest challenge. How do you somehow be the best version of yourself as a superhero while being the best version of yourself as a parent and can those two things coexist?”
Fans can see these relationships unfold when Ant-Man and the Wasp hits theaters on July 6th.
Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now. Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019, the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel on July 5, 2019 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.
Who do you think will be the better hero in the new film? Let us know in the comments below!