Jeremy Renner Prepares for Hawkeye's Return in 'Avengers 4'

Fans who were disappointed that Hawkeye failed to show up in Avengers: Infinity War, don't fret! [...]

Fans who were disappointed that Hawkeye failed to show up in Avengers: Infinity War, don't fret! The Avenging Archer will show up in Marvel Studios followup to the epic crossover, and actor Jeremy Renner is excited to to take the fight to Thanos.

The actor posted a new photo from the set of Avengers 4, which seems to be currently filming for reshoots, and Renner is excited to be reunited with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Well, what's left of them, anyways.

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Circling the wagons with my good friends @marvel @avengers #letsstretchbitches #hawkeye

A post shared by Jeremy Renner (@renner4real) on

Renner is sporting that short-side, high-top haircut that many have mistakenly called a Faux-Hawk, forgetting what every other dude's hairstyle looked like after the premiere of Jersey Shore over a decade ago. Fans first saw this new style for Hawkeye in the Marvel Studios 10th Anniversary photos, as well as the set photos for Avengers 4 that possibly tease at the Ronin identity.

What's more curious about Renner's tease is his use of the phrase "circling the wagon," which usually means gathering to defend something. With Thanos having won and decimated the population of the entire galaxy, what's left to defend? All that's left is... avenging.

When fans reacted at the lack of Hawkeye in Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios had a telling response. Producer Kevin Feige teased a greater plan for Clint Barton would come to fruition in the untitled Avengers sequel.

"We [at Marvel] love Hawkeye. There are big, big story things coming up for Hawkeye and Jeremy Renner is as strong an actor as anyone in the MCU and awesome as this character," Feige said. "But 'The guy with the bow and arrow jokes', right? There are a lot of 'Guy with bow and arrow jokes.' He even makes 'Guy with a bow and arrow' jokes in some of the movies. So I love that people go from 'Oh, Hawkeye is just lucky to be there,' to 'Oh, where is he? He's not there? What's going to happen? We need Hawkeye. We want more Hawkeye.' I love it. It's the best."

As previously stated, Renner has been spotted on set for Avengers 4, so he does know some of the secrets that will be revealed when the new movie premieres in theaters next year.

"Everybody's got to bite their tongue. But if you like Infinity War, there's some stuff to come," Renner shared with USA Today. "What I do know is it's going to be awesome."

We'll find out how Hawkeye helps in the fight against Thanos when Avengers 4 premieres in theaters on May 3, 2019.