Mysterious Twitter Account Spoiled Avengers: Endgame Last December

More often than not, leaks leading up to a blockbuster movie end up being fake or purposefully [...]

More often than not, leaks leading up to a blockbuster movie end up being fake or purposefully fabricated; every so often, however, a legitimate leak surfaces — like in the case of one mysterious Twitter account. Over the course of the first week last December, Twitter user @RogerWardell posted a handful of tweets about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and what was then called Avengers 4. As it turns out, every Avengers based tweet came right — at least in some fashion.

Heads up, we're going full spoilers up ahead. If you have yet to see Avengers: Endgame, the information below will spoil some minor moments for you.

The first tweet by the account unveils that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will lose his figure, something revealed after the movie leaps forward five years. The tweet then reveals the movie will have the first-ever TV-to-movie crossover as Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy) makes the jump to the silver screen, something we see during the film's time heist.

The account then reveals a slew of cameos by Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford), Brock Rumlow (Frank Grillo), and Jack Collins, all of which come true. The apparent leaker also accurately predicted both the near-remake of the elevator fight from Captain America: The Winter Soldier and an infamous moment where Cap (Chris Evans) says "Hail HYRDA!"

Last but not least, the Twitter account also accurately predicted both Stan Lee's cameo is set in the 1970s and Thor decapitating Thor.

Outside of Avengers: Endgame, the account has a few other tidbits, including the fact that Marvel Studios is considering properties like Power Pack and Ms. Marvel as potential multiple-season shows on Disney+. The tweeter also mentions that the studio likes Black Knight and thinks the character can support a trilogy of his own.

Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters.

Did you make it to Avengers: Endgame completely unspoiled? If not, what was spoiled for you ahead of time? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by hitting me up on Twitter at @AdamBarnhardt!


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