Brie Larson Plays Marvel Heads Up on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Ellen DeGeneres is always up for playing a game on her popular talk show, and if you're going to [...]

Ellen DeGeneres is always up for playing a game on her popular talk show, and if you're going to play a Marvel version of Heads Up, why not invite one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's biggest heroes to play it too? That's exactly what Ellen did on her latest episode when Captain Marvel star Brie Larson surprised everyone and came out to do battle in Marvel Heads Up against tWitch. Ellen split the audience into teams, and Larson was up first, with the category being Avengers. It was up to the audience to get Larson to guess the right word, and first up was the word Thor.

As you might expect, the audience started swinging imaginary hammers, and it only took, a few seconds for Larson to guess the word. Next was Captain Marvel, which might seem like a no-brainer but not necessarily, as the character doesn't have a trademark weapon to act out. That said, it wasn't an issue, as the audience just pointed to Larson and she guessed it was her.

Next up was Wasp, and the audience started buzzing. Larson's first guess was Ant-Man, but then she did get The Wasp soon after. The next one was harder, as it was Iron Man, and the audience was split between pointing to their imaginary arc reactors, flying, and trying to signal strength. Larson first guessed Captain America, and then asked who flies, followed by Doctor Strange. She then guessed Iron Man to get the question right.

After that, it was time for someone not in the MCU, and that proved to be a challenge. The next person up was Storm, and the crowd then started swooshing and acting like little tornados. Larson's first guess was Doctor Strange, and then she asked: "who twirls?" She then said Hawkeye and then guessed Storm.

Next was Thanos, and the audience started lifting their hands and pointing to their rings, and Larson quickly guessed Thanos. The last one was Wakanda, and it went right down to the wire with 1 second remaining, but Larson was able to guess it after the audience did the Wakanda Forever sign.

It was tWitch's turn next, and the first one up was The Incredible Hulk, which he got pretty quickly after the audience hulked up. He got Hawkeye incredibly quickly too, followed by Black Panther after Wakanda Forever signs and claw motions were created by the audience. To see who won you can check out the full video above.