Bryan Singer Reveals What His Future Plans Are With X-Men Franchise After Apocalypse

For Director Bryan Singer, X-Men: Apocalypse is his fourth X-Men film, and so far has taken in $65 [...]

(Photo: Fox)

For Director Bryan Singer, X-Men: Apocalypse is his fourth X-Men film, and so far has taken in $65 million in the United States and $185.8 million worldwide.

The Los Angeles Times recently got to chat with the Director about Apocalypse, where it stands in contrast to X-Men: Days of Future Past, and where the franchise will go from here.

"For me, this is not only the finale of the trilogy that started with "X-Men: First Class," it's the finale of six movies. But I also call it an "in-betwee-quel" -- not a sequel or a prequel -- because it happens in 1983, before the first "X-Men." I've done something no other franchise has done -- not even "Star Wars," which is bouncing around in time. I've actually altered time so it concludes and also sows the seeds for the characters to find pieces of their destiny where we found them in the first three "X-Men" movies."

As for if he will be at the helm of that destiny, he doesn't really know. Regardless though of whether he sits in the director's chair for upcoming films, he will at least be involved in some way.

"I recently met Danny Boyle -- he and I have known of each other for many years but never met. He was prepping "Steve Jobs" at the time and I was doing this and he said, "Are you going to be doing 'X-Men' movies forever?" And I didn't actually say no. The reality is, even though I'm very desperate to jump to something completely different, I've spent so many years in this universe and I love this cast and the characters so much, I just don't see myself abandoning them forever. Perhaps as a consultant, as a producer, even as a director, I could see myself returning in the future. Just right now, once this one is done, I'd like to do something really different."

He's done back to back films in the X-Men universe, so it's understandable that he would want to take a break. If that Dark Phoneix Saga story happens down the line though, I would bet on Singer being back in the Directors seat.