Fan Recuts 'Captain America: Winter Soldier' as 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout!' Trailer

Over the past few years, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has developed a pretty passionate [...]

Over the past few years, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has developed a pretty passionate following, with fans enjoying the film's deconstruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's politics. And now, a new fan edit places the film in the context of a different political thriller.

Youtuber Mr. Krepshus recently shared their latest video, which reimagines The Winter Soldier in the style of Mission Impossible - Fallout!'s first trailer. You can check it out above.

The end result of the trailer is pretty epic, layering various moments from the film with some pretty poignant narration (and of course, Imagine Dragons' "Friction"). Granted, this sort of trailer would have probably been too spoilery to promote the Marvel Studios venture at the time, but it definitely captures the film's essence all these years later.

Of course, comic book fans have their own reasons to be invested in Fallout!, as the project sparked the "Mustache Gate" surrounding Henry Cavill's Justice League facial hair. But this edit highlights how nicely the Fallout! trailer is cut together, something that might not have been caught by every fan.

This isn't the first time Mr. Krepshus has reimagined Winter Soldier, as one of their earlier videos recut the film into the style of Baby Driver. Other videos on their channel have mashed up Avengers: Infinity War and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Harry Potter and Logan, and so much more.

What do you think of this Winter Soldier/Mission: Impossible mash-up? Let us know in the comments below.