Chris Evans Reads Even Superheroes Have Bad Days

Be the legend of your living room!@BBCiPlayer to the rescue...@ChrisEvans#BedtimeStory [...]

Captain America has gotten a bit of hate as of late in the comics but the film star of Captain America, Chris Evans, is likely getting a lot of love from British parents. Evans, appeared this week on the BBC's CBeebies Bedtime Stories, which is a childrens show where well known actors and celebs read children's stories.

The Captain America: Civil War star appropriately read Even Superheroes Have Bad Days - a fantastic kids book written by Shelly Becker and wonderfully illustrated by Eda Kaban. The book helps kids and parents deal with temper tantrums and emotions with lines like this:

When Superheroes don't get their way,
when they're sad, when they're mad, when they've had a bad day . . .
. . . they COULD super-tantrum, they COULD but they DON'T,
because REAL Superheroes just WOULDN'T—they WON'T!

The show is on around childrens bedtime in the UK and according to an interview with Metro News it nearly put Evans to sleep, "I was putting myself to sleep when I was doing it. Some of the stories were just so comforting. It made me want to just curl up." Evans recorded several books for the show, no word yet on when those will be released. Chris Evans is not the first comic book movie star to read on CBeebies, both Dark Knight Rises' Tom Hardy and X-Men's James McAvoy have been on the show. I hope for the parents sake that Hardy didn't use his Bane voice when doing his reading to the children at home..."Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it." I know that would have given me nightmares.

Evans was is in the United Kingdom promoting his new drama, a non-comic book movie, titled Gifted. According to the film sees Evans, as "a single man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, [who] is drawn into a custody battle with his mother."

You can see a promo for the episode below, via CBeebies twitter feed, to actually see the episode from the USA you'll need to figure out access to the BBC's iPlayer.