Daredevil: Vincent D’Onofrio and Jon Bernthal Respond to Recent Deborah Ann Woll Comments

The Daredevil TV series holds a special place in many fans' hearts, with its talented ensemble [...]

The Daredevil TV series holds a special place in many fans' hearts, with its talented ensemble cast bringing to life a very specific part of the Marvel universe. While the show was sadly canceled in December of 2018, the community around it has lived on, with many hoping that those iterations the characters will also live on in some other sort of adaptation. Deborah Ann Woll, who played Karen Page on the series, recently spoke candidly about insecurities she has had after the series' cancellation -- and it looks like some of her co-stars are offering some positivity. Vincent D'Onofrio, who played Kingpin on the Netflix series, recently took to Twitter to praise Woll as being "one of [his] favorite scene partners in [his] career", and calling her "unstoppable" and "a gift to storytelling".

Jon Bernthal, who also acted alongside Woll in both Daredevil and The Punisher, replied to D'Onofrio's tweet by saying that it was "an honor and joy" to work with them both.

The tweets were in response to Woll's recent appearance on Joe Q's Mornin' Warm Up, a podcast hosted by Marvel Creative Director Joe Quesada. As she explained, she's begun to feel a lot of self-doubt about her career and her acting abilities following Daredevil's cancellation.

"I'm just really wondering whether I'll get to work again, whether anyone wants to work with me again, and whether I still have it, all of those scary things," Woll explained. "And part of my brain goes, 'No, you're just being crazy, calm down.' But the part of me that loves [acting] and the problem with being an artist and an actor, and any of these professions where you put a piece of your soul into your work, is that it becomes a part of your identity."

"If I'm not acting, I'm not sure who I am," Woll continued. "And since it's been so long since I've really gotten to do it, I'm struggling a little bit with how to maintain my self worth, my sense of my own value."

As Woll revealed, she hasn't been acting since Season 3 of Daredevil wrapped, something that has made her feel uncertain.

"I haven't had an acting job since, and that's been really hard for me," Woll explained. "So even before COVID kind of flipped the world on its head, I was struggling with this. And I think I was already in an uncertain place, and to add this other layer of uncertainty ... it's just compounding a little bit. And I have to figure out how I stay confident in myself, even when everyone else is telling me, 'Hey, we don't want to work with you right now,' or 'You're not our choice for this.'"

What do you think of D'Onofrio and Bernthal's comments? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!