Deadpool Creator Writes Open Letter to Hugh Jackman Endorsing Wolverine and Deadpool Crossover

When it comes to the X-Men movie universe, everyone and their mother is hoping to see a [...]

When it comes to the X-Men movie universe, everyone and their mother is hoping to see a Wolverine/Deadpool moment onscreen. Perhaps no one more than the actor behind Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds.

Unfortunately for Reynolds and moms everywhere, Hugh Jackman shut down the idea earlier this week, claiming he doesn't believe a crossover is what the world wants. However, his proclamation only fueled the fire, and the fight to see the two characters interact wages on.

Rob Liefeld, co-creator of Deadpool, penned a letter to the Aussie actor on Instagram, begging him to reconsider.

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Dear @thehughjackman just checking in to reassure you per your recent comments that, yes, fans absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool. Being in the comic business for 33 years and speaking as someone who has crafted a few memorable encounters between Logan and Wade, I can guarantee and confirm an audience and a reaction like nothing you have ever before experienced!! Wolverine is my favorite character in the history of comics, he inspired every aspect of Deadpool’s creation!! Please give some consideration to unsheathing your claws for one more glorious adventure! #wolverine #deadpool #marvel p.s. please feel free to adapt directly from Wolverine #154-155 and feature The Administrator, The Watchtower! Unapologetically and unashamedly, your pal, Rob! #BiggerthanInfinityWar #robliefeld

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In response to Jackman's comments, Liefeld wrote, " absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool."

He went on to explain that he's been in the business for 33 years and as someone "who has crafted a few memorable encounters between Logan and Wade," he has no doubt that audiences would flip if they saw them together onscreen.

"Wolverine is my favorite character in the history of comics, he inspired every aspect of Deadpool's creation!!," explained Liefeld.

The writer and artist already did the heavy-lifting for Jackman, directly pointing him to the perfect comics moment that could be turned into live-action, saying "please feel free to adapt directly from Wolverine #154-155."

Unfortunately for Liefeld and all the X-Men fans, Hugh Jackman seems to be done with the character, which is well deserved after an incredibly impressive 17-year stint playing someone who doesn't really age.

However, it can't hurt to emphasize Liefeld's plea: "Please give some consideration to unsheathing your claws for one more glorious adventure!" We second this, Mr. Jackman (or at least give us a Deadpool cameo)!

To view more of Rob Liefeld's work, check out his website here.

While you may not be seeing Deadpool and Wolverine together onscreen anytime soon, you can catch the former in Once Upon a Deadpool, the PG-13 version of Deadpool 2, which is hitting theaters on December 12th for two weeks.