The Falcon and The Winter Soldier introduced Joaquin Torres to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in its opening scene, having Danny Ramirez play the part. The series managed to keep the character who goes on to become the Falcon on the pages of Marvel Comics a secret ahead of the series, no sort spoilers or teases leaked ahead of the debut. Heading into the show’s finale, it looks like Ramirez’s Torres has literally gotten his wings, as Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson left him with the wings ripped from his Falcon suit. While Ramirez dodges answering whether or not he has been fitted for a Falcon suit of his own, he does admit he has some dream Marvel crossovers in mind.
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“Well, Sam is my answer. He’d be amazing to team up with,” Ramirez said, acknowledging Torres and Sam’s close friendship built through The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Still, outside of the show, Ramirez sees another fun opportunity. “I read a lot of fan theories, I think I’d have a lot of fun throwing down with Tom Holland, just like a scene together and not throwing down in a fight, but like a scene together, it would just be pretty funny I think. I think it’d be pretty dynamic. So that’s been kind of one that I’m like, ‘Oh, I’d love to to work with him across the board.’”
A Young Avengers roster assembling could bring such a crossover to life if the Marvel Cinematic Universe wants to form another ensemble title as it has in the comics. The Young Avengers has plenty of MCU candidates already, with more on the way including Ms. Marvel and Ironheart.
There are more characters and actors Ramirez would love to get a chance to work with. “I think Benedict Cumberbatch is a phenomenal actor to work with… Tom Hiddleston…” Ramirez said, stopping himself short of basically rattling off all of the MCU’s talented family members. “Yeah, there’s so many phenomenal actors in the MCU that I think, across the board, I’d be like any way to get involved in their stories or in a scene with them, I think I’d definitely take the opportunity.”
As it turns out, Ramirez was a Marvel fan like the rest of us ahead of his casting. He had been on a Marvel series prior to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier but FX’s Gifted was not overseen by Marvel Studios. “When I saw Avengers: Endgame, I was crying, I was like, ‘Ah damn, like they got me, sh-t. I would love to be a part of whatever this world, this universe is,’ and I was a part of The Gifted and I played a mutant named Wes. So I knew of Marvel, I definitely knew the world but I think I started learning about Joaquin once the opportunity came across and I was like, ‘I should read on this character in what he is in the comics, which is different and not connected necessarily to the MCU,’ but yeah, so I wasn’t- I’ll leave it at that. I’ll leave it at that.”
Are you ready to see Ramirez become the next Falcon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Joaquin Torres? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram!