When ComicBook.com spoke to Venom and Fear Itself: The Fearless writer Cullen Bunn about his forthcoming Marvel NOW! launch, Fearless Defenders, the writer told us that while Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar are going to be the series leads when the title launches, “each bringing something different to the table. But… and this may be a good thing or a bad thing… I’ve introduced a new character in the first arc who might just steal the show.”That new character, it seems, has been revealed via a teaser image posted at Newsarama and now identified at Bunn’s Fearless Defenders Tumblr.”Your newest Fearless Defender!” He blogged. “Her name is Hippolyta.”The image posted, shown at right, is apparently the cover to The Fearless Defenders #3. There’s also a variant cover by artist Phil Jiminez, seen below.
Fearless Defenders’ New, Original Character Teased via Writer’s Blog
When ComicBook.com spoke to Venom and Fear Itself: The Fearless writer Cullen Bunn about his […]