Jemele Hill Helping To Send Detroit Students To 'Black Panther'

Marvel's Black Panther is quickly becoming something more than just yet another comic book movie [...]

Marvel's Black Panther is quickly becoming something more than just yet another comic book movie release. Not only is the movie tracking to be one of the biggest box office's for a comic book movie on opening weekend (over $150 million) but it's bringing people together. And that's not just bringing them together to sit in a theater.

Story after story of people coming together and raising money to buy tickets to the ground breaking film for those who are less fortunate are being written. First there was the DC Comics fans that started a Gofundme campaign to buy tickets for kids to see the Marvel film - that was inspired by Frederick Joseph. "The #BlackPantherChallenge is an initiative launched by Frederick Joseph to raise money to take Harlem children to see Black Panther in theaters. He has opened the call for others nationwide to join in and start a GoFundMe in their community to take more kids to watch Black Panther in the theater."

Stars have also started to buy out theaters for kids to see the film - Hidden Figures Octavia Spencer has committed to buy out a theater in an underserved community in Mississippi. Now, Jemele Hill, formerly of ESPN has joined forces with The Detroit Free Press and the Detroit Lions to bring 200 kids from their city to the theater to see the film. Mind you - this isn't just for any kid - it's only for kids that have yet to miss a day of school. So there's some added inspiration there to stay in school for kids in the Motor City.

It's not all been good though - a group of supposed DC Comics fans launched a campaign to destroy Black Panthers Rotten Tomato score. They've claimed to have hired bots and have started a facebook page to join forces like some lame incarnation of the Injustice League.

Black Panther currently sits on a 4.18 out of 5 score on the anticipation rating.

The latest Marvel release stars Chadwick Boseman in the title role of Black Panther, Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger, Lupita Nyong'o as Nakia and Forest Whitaker as Zuri. The movie follows T'Challa, after the death of his father, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king.

Black Panther2018

Black Panther movie poster image

ComicBook Anticipated

Best-Rated Before Release #2

Anticipated Rating


Average rating 4.18/5 from 1,413 users

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